Saturday, July 30, 2011

Good News ! :D

Oh yeaa ! Aha ! We win by 2 MARKSSSSSSSSSSSS ! Thanks God AMEN ! Our next competition is next Saturday lor :) Versus Sentosa ! Omg another pro team again lehhh :( More pro then SM Sains i think ? :O After competition we go Kuching Fest ! Wohoooo :b Damn hott lar :( Ben lai want meet people de leh but :( Aiyaaaa nvm lar :) Next time meet again lor :b Heheeee ! Going shower lorr , see yaa ! :)

Friday, July 29, 2011

Can You Feel My Heartbeat ? :/

Tonight after 00:00 , its Saturday ! And it's our turn to go for WAR ! A war between SMK Kuching High & SM Sains will begin tomorrow on 6.00pm something at MBKS :) Aww . SM Sains leh ! Pro team lar ! But i think we're getting stronger too :b In th name of th Father , and of th Son , and of th Holy Spirit , Amen ! :) Highian GO ! Bernard GO TOO ! :D

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Bad News ! :(

Today i updated my blog so early :) And i had receive a bad news in school today :( Guess what ? I have a basketball competition this SATURDAY ! And we're against SM SAINS ! Wtf super pro lakia team :( We didn't give up so early because we had promised to get medal THIS YEAR ! 1 , 2 , 3 , Highian ! :) Just try our best don't care about th result :) Jiayousss ! :D

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Train Hard Study Smart ! :D

Oh well , exam is coming same as basketball competition :) Hmm , trainning in th afternoon and study at night . And that's my lifeyyy :( I hardly can get some time for me to rest baa . Exam become harder and so as our oppenent become stronger . Ishhh . My life kindda sienn lor but i didn't have other option :( Suann liao , jiayouu baa Highian ! And same goes to me :)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Study Hard !

Hmm . Today only my school off ! :b But i still can't rest baa :( Morning go futsal then afternoon go Bm tuition . Aww , exam is coming ! I have to start my study tonight :) Study while listening to korea songs is definately NICE ! You can try it :b Ishhh ! Bio and physic , im worry for this two subject :( It is so asdfghjkl HARD and  need to memorise so many thingyyy >:( But i will try my best to score a B :) Heheee ! I pray for everyone for this coming exam :) Aww im so good :b

Sunday, July 24, 2011

My Sunday :D

Oh yeaa my Sunday confirm different than you guys :b My Sunday's schedule is always FULL ! :( Hmm . I woke up on 11.30am something and have my breakfast :) After that i go for hair cut at Ray with my friend :b And so wtfff i thought he is going to pick me to guitar lesson instead i walk ! With a guitar on my back :) So emo lar XD After my guitar lesson we go SWIMMING ! Wohoo ! Its time to get taller :b We swim for 2 hour and more till 5.50pm like that and my finger looks old ._. I supposed to go for basketball tonight but it was cancelled . Wheeee i can rest by then :b And th picture above is how i look like after my hair cut ! :D AHAHA ! Th end ! :)

Saturday, July 23, 2011

MBO ! :b

Wheee back from The Spring ! OMGGGG Harry Potter damn awesome kay ! :) And it's time to say goodbye to Voldemort ! Muahahah ! :D We go KFC after watching because we're super hungry :( It's a  pity that my friend cant eat because he is having sore throat :b Hehee . Although we cant meet tonight but we still can meet other day right ? :) Tomorrow im going to say bye bye to my thick hair :( Oh yeaa i prefer short hair too because th weather is super super hot ! :b Im going to bath now :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

I Think Im Addicted ;)

Woootssss ! Jublee is so fuvking hot today ._. I have been killed by boredom at jublee ground ! And that's why we decided to go to my friend's house by taxi :b Ishhh , money fly away again >:( But its okay cause we're having fun whole day ! :D Heheee ! I go back around 5.30pm because i have add math tuition tonight :( Add math ! Its soooooo wtf hard but i like some of th chapter :b I felt so proud when i solve some of th question ;) LOOOL ! Hmm . Kay , gonna prepare for tuition ! :)

Thursday, July 21, 2011

My First Post ! :D

Heheee :) My first post ! Kinda cool man ! :b I have a blog cause someone ask me to create :) My blog will not update too often cause Form 4 suckssss ! Study is a must for me this year :( I got 60% something for my english test so i hope you guys can ignore some of my grammar mistake . LOL ! :) Hmm . I have nothing to write now leh . Okay fine i will stop here :) Heheeesss .