Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lundu ! :)

Hellooo ! Im back from Lundu ! :) 3 days 2 night and it was super FUN ! The first day when we reach , we straight run to the beach and you know what ? The guard come and ask us whether we checked-in or haven't . LOL . That time we were seperated with my uncle so we just tell him please go to the counter check . Hahhaa . The scenary is AWESOME ! :) We took so many picture and ng so many time too . Hehhee . Fun right ? Tell you one thing . I found that collecting sea shell is much more FUN than swimming in the water . And the most freaking super duper damn fun one is cathing crabssss ! :) Awww . The crab run very fast man but we caught two as our souvenier . Hahhaa . Very special souvenier and it contain lotsa memoriess :) On the last day in Lundu is also the second day of Hari Raya , so we go visiting ! :b It's very unlucky when we go visiting you know ! :( Yeaa we reach the kampung and our uncle said we're going to have ANIMALS for dinner . So we go to my uncle's friend's house who is a Malay . Here come the unlucky part . You know Kampung house is always very high right ? And because we wanted to see a black rabbit on the back of his house so we crowd at there . I just have a look for about 3 minutes like that . POOM ! The floor broke and we all fall down to the ground . OUCH ! The house owner said the wood is old already cannot afford too much weight so when he is about to mention to us , we are already on the ground . Its was about few feet high and we are all wounded :( To forgot those sad memories we start eating ! :) Yuckkss ! Snake ! Squirrel ! And i only tasted the snake . They made thier own apple wine and it's NICE ! :)  Hehhee . Phewww . Imma going to sleep so goodnight ! :D

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Holidaysss ! :)

Yea i know i didn't update my blog for a longgggg time because i am having exam . And now is time to ENJOY ! :) Wheee ! Today afternoon i went Hock Lee's SOS buy new shoes :b My first choice you know cost how much ?! RM300 more ! My mummy straight reject :( How saddd . Then my second choice , cost RM 180 something also been rejected :( Here come my last choice . Finally she accept ! :) It cost RM89.90 haiya alang-alang RM90 lar and it's new arrival ! :b I wore it to my friend , Samuel's birthday party x) After that we walk to The Spring to meet someone but we ended up nothing :( The most sad thing is my shoes ! It become like thaat

So sad right :( You see the front part ! OMG heart pain ! Hahhaa :) Tomorrow im going to Lundu with my cousin until Tuesday so im not going to update my bloggie :) Hopeee you guys enjoy your holidays too ! :D

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Burden :(

Yeaa too much pressure and i just don't know what to do . Someone teach me please :( I didn't have any study mood for this term exam . I tried to study but i don't know what am i thinking . Sejarahh ah ! Why should i need to memorise so many thing from you :( Falling for someone at this moment make me hard to concentrate . You are guessing who right ? That girl is totally impossible for me . With a 0.1% sucess rate so you no need to know :) I know its impossible but i just can't stop thinking . Ishhh ! Hello Bernard's brain , can you stop thinking about that girl unitl my exam finish ? And this feeling sucks .__. Im gonna sleep early tonight and continue my sejarah tomorrow morning in my class . Tomorrow i must finish Bab5 please because im running out of time ! :( And teacher please stop giving me HOMEWEORK ! I cant study with so many homework to finish with >:O Goodnight everyone ! :)

Monday, August 15, 2011

Try Again Next Time :')

I didn't update my blog few days because i was too busy . Tonight we play final versus Batu Kawa and the result is we ... losee :( Nevermind highian , we had tried our best . We cant get first but we still get second right ? :) Cheer up guys ! :D I think this is the last match we play . Next year we are going to have SPM so need to concentrate on our study . Hmm . Its a long time we didn't get medals for basketball competition but tonight we get our LAST medal and we are glad that we improve so much :) And congratulation to the girls' highian team who get first :) Please do cheer for us :b Lastly i want to say that , IM PROUD TO BE HIGHIAN !

Friday, August 12, 2011

Im Ready !

Hmm . Tomorrow 4.00pm at pending MBKS . Versus Matang ( Challenger ) ! :D It doesn't matter we lose or win because we still can got in semi-final although we lose :b Haiyaaa . But we will try to win to make it a RECORD ! :) After tomorrow that's mean Sunday we still need to play for semi-final :/ Tired lor kayyy ! Sunday semi-final and Monday final *hope we can get in* :) I swear that after my competition i will study hard lar because im care about my result more than anyone else kay . Ishhh ! Form 4's life ! But it's almost come to an end ! :)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Bye Mr Chua :')

Mr Chua *i think i didn't spelled it wrongly* is going to resign soon :( Although he never teach me but i think he is good teacher :) Tomorrow we're going to have a special assembly for HIM ! :D Hope that he had sweet momories teaching in SMK Kuching High :) Well that's tomorrow thingyy and tonight im gonna suffer again ! :( Sejarahhh ! I need to learn finish before sitting for my exam :( Ishhh ! I still don't know what for we study Sejarah because we had so manyyyyyyy modern technology now . Time pass fast fast please ! I want to finish Form 5 as fast as possible ! :)

Monday, August 8, 2011

Opps .__.

Hahhaa ! Im now studying sejarah Bab 5 and its sooooo BORING ! :/ And that's why i update my blog :b Two more week and a war is going on in SMK Kuching High :) Im one of th soldier of cause :D Fight hard just to get a good result . A soldier died in war to protect his country and a student contribute his/her time to pass thier exam with flying colour :) After exam i still have one more competition leh :( Im a busyman this year . Lion competition at boulevard ! :) Before that i had to let my parents see my result first or else they wont let me compete :( BURDENNNN ! Ishhh nvmmmm . It is usual for me already :) White hair please don't pop out :D

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Highian Win ! :D

Wheee ! WE win AGAIN ! :b I just cant believe that we beat Sentosa :O If im not wrong last year we are completely no match for them and our score has a big differents .__. Well , this year we had show our improvement so please don't look down at us >:) Next competition is on next Saturday , versus Matang ( Challenger ) Yeaaa you know that we are going to win again to break our record for not getting medal for few years x) On the other hand , exam is nearrrr ! :( Im so frustrating you know because im not in study mood and i just don't know why :( My parents has a high target on me so i just cant make them dissapointed :/  Someone wake me up please ! :) STUDY STUDY STUDY !

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Dream High ! x)

I just don't know why Korean are so damn PERFECT ! Try listen to a song , Maybe - Sunye (wonder girls) . OMG im now totally addicted to it and i think i can repeat it for hundread or MORE times ! Korean's audition is super fuvking COOL ! I wish to get there just to join th audition you know *if there is one ! :) Heheeee . What can i say for Woo Young and Taecyeon ? THEY ! ARE ! HANDSOME ! :) Shi jio man jio shi jio ! 10 points out of 10 point ! :b Learn some words then i will fly there SOON ! Oh yeaa ! :)