Saturday, August 27, 2011

Holidaysss ! :)

Yea i know i didn't update my blog for a longgggg time because i am having exam . And now is time to ENJOY ! :) Wheee ! Today afternoon i went Hock Lee's SOS buy new shoes :b My first choice you know cost how much ?! RM300 more ! My mummy straight reject :( How saddd . Then my second choice , cost RM 180 something also been rejected :( Here come my last choice . Finally she accept ! :) It cost RM89.90 haiya alang-alang RM90 lar and it's new arrival ! :b I wore it to my friend , Samuel's birthday party x) After that we walk to The Spring to meet someone but we ended up nothing :( The most sad thing is my shoes ! It become like thaat

So sad right :( You see the front part ! OMG heart pain ! Hahhaa :) Tomorrow im going to Lundu with my cousin until Tuesday so im not going to update my bloggie :) Hopeee you guys enjoy your holidays too ! :D

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