Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Burden :(

Yeaa too much pressure and i just don't know what to do . Someone teach me please :( I didn't have any study mood for this term exam . I tried to study but i don't know what am i thinking . Sejarahh ah ! Why should i need to memorise so many thing from you :( Falling for someone at this moment make me hard to concentrate . You are guessing who right ? That girl is totally impossible for me . With a 0.1% sucess rate so you no need to know :) I know its impossible but i just can't stop thinking . Ishhh ! Hello Bernard's brain , can you stop thinking about that girl unitl my exam finish ? And this feeling sucks .__. Im gonna sleep early tonight and continue my sejarah tomorrow morning in my class . Tomorrow i must finish Bab5 please because im running out of time ! :( And teacher please stop giving me HOMEWEORK ! I cant study with so many homework to finish with >:O Goodnight everyone ! :)

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