Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Lundu ! :)

Hellooo ! Im back from Lundu ! :) 3 days 2 night and it was super FUN ! The first day when we reach , we straight run to the beach and you know what ? The guard come and ask us whether we checked-in or haven't . LOL . That time we were seperated with my uncle so we just tell him please go to the counter check . Hahhaa . The scenary is AWESOME ! :) We took so many picture and ng so many time too . Hehhee . Fun right ? Tell you one thing . I found that collecting sea shell is much more FUN than swimming in the water . And the most freaking super duper damn fun one is cathing crabssss ! :) Awww . The crab run very fast man but we caught two as our souvenier . Hahhaa . Very special souvenier and it contain lotsa memoriess :) On the last day in Lundu is also the second day of Hari Raya , so we go visiting ! :b It's very unlucky when we go visiting you know ! :( Yeaa we reach the kampung and our uncle said we're going to have ANIMALS for dinner . So we go to my uncle's friend's house who is a Malay . Here come the unlucky part . You know Kampung house is always very high right ? And because we wanted to see a black rabbit on the back of his house so we crowd at there . I just have a look for about 3 minutes like that . POOM ! The floor broke and we all fall down to the ground . OUCH ! The house owner said the wood is old already cannot afford too much weight so when he is about to mention to us , we are already on the ground . Its was about few feet high and we are all wounded :( To forgot those sad memories we start eating ! :) Yuckkss ! Snake ! Squirrel ! And i only tasted the snake . They made thier own apple wine and it's NICE ! :)  Hehhee . Phewww . Imma going to sleep so goodnight ! :D

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