Friday, September 30, 2011

Exam week ! :(

Few week didnt update le because i was studying :b 
Next year im going to say bye bye to 4S5 student and say hello to new friends :( 
Teacher are going to rearrange our class based on THIS exam ! Walaoehh ! 
Im not going to fail again this time . Hmm so long no updated so where im going to start with ? Oh yea ! 
I got first place in the poster drawing competition and won a file , drawing block and watercolour 24 colours :) Hehhee . And Sze Ying's birthday too ! We celebrated at Kado ! :b 
Hmm more special thingy and its boringg because i facing book this few weeks .__. *not fb ha*
Add math , Bio , Physic ! Arghh , im going to kill these subject soon before they killed me ! 
Cant update too much le because i going to sleep early tonight so that i can concentrate in my revision tomorrow.
Yea nothing in m mind except books !
Computer , money , girls , handphone , guitar , lion dance , drawing , basketball and of cause blogging ,
Fuck off please ! :) I will find you after my exam :b

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