Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Poster ! :)

Yeapp i didn't updated my blog for few days because i was too busy :(
I like drawing but doesn't mean that im creative and i don't like to take part in drawing competition too :b
But last Friday my teacher ask me to draw a poster entitled " Satu Malaysia Tranformasi Berjaya Rakyat Sejahtera " *very long hor* for competition .
The most weird is i didnt reject it and i also don't know why .
I used to reject whenever my teacher ask me to take part in what bla bla bla drawing competition last time .
I spent three nights to finish my drawing and i didnt have enough sleep time :(
Finally tonight i finish my drawing and im going off to bed ! :D
This is my drawing and it looks UNGLY because i didnt concentrate on it .
And why i cant concentrate is because i want to watch DRAMA ! Hehhee ! :D
Goodnight !

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